
Looking for new players to join our server! The admins of the server stay offline and do not interfere with players lives except for to dinowipe. There are very few rules, the only important rule being do not kill passive tames! PvP is always allowed however structure resistance is turned off during the week so structures can not be damaged. Any raiding that can be done with structure resistance set to 0 is allowed during the week. Purge is on the weekends, when structure resistance is changed to .5 and orp is turned on (with a 10 minute timer). The most commonly asked about server settings are listed below;
Difficulty-12.0, structure resistance 0.0 (0.5 for purge), XP multiplier-100.0, taming speed-60.0, ORP logoff period-800 (about 10 mins), mating interval-0.04, egg hatch speed-200, baby mature speed-100, baby food consumption-0.5.

Player and dino stats are boosted between 4-5x, stam boosted 6x and weight is pretty much infinite. Full imprint is possible to get on raised dinos with kibble and crop growth is 60x so crops grow quickly.

For any other questions, message gamertag Phantombunnie87 or kik Rex3rection. Spawn in Highlands N to go to the community center, coords 16 lat 69 long. We hope to see you there!
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