Horseman’s Sanctuary- 1.5yr old cluster 1st wipe May 20- EZ te

Our server is performing it's first ever wipe (after 1.5 years of run time) on May 20th, 2019 at approx. 4pm EST. Our community consists mostly of adult members that have joined for the fairness and longevity of our cluster but have stayed because of the friendships built in our welcoming community! We are now seeking new members to come and have fun with us. Search Horseman's Sanctuary or simply “horse” under PC hosted sessions.
We offer two play styles: 7x SLIGHTLY BOOSTED PVP CLUSTER and PVE options. Our PVE works as follows: player may put PVE in their name but this will not guarantee PVE status. If you are nice and helpful and active in the community then you will be accepted as PVE by all players and left alone. Eventually we allow valued long-term PVE members to become admin sanctioned and these tribes will have to be available to help with events, building community centers, etc.

Boosted taming, gather, breeding, and xp. It is boosted to a point where you will easily be able to farm and level and breed but it's not insta-everything... Except the super boosted map, that's insta-everything.

Tek engrams unlock as you level up! Element can be found in red drops. And speaking of drops, ALL other color drops are custom with a pool of 80+ items dropped at random color-tier quality with random quantity.

Aberration dinos are coded into this Ragnarok map: light pets and crabs along the beaches roll rats and glow bugs in redwoods, and a few other surprises in the swamps!

Admin team provides a minimum of 2 events weekly. Please join the discord for your starter pack, event schedule, rules, and to connect with us. The cluster is now complete with ragnarok, island, aberration, extinction, and center. More slots will be added as needed if population grows on specific maps.

Note: this is a PVP server but the admin team provides protection for PVE members... Only ask that the PVE tribes donate time to assist with server events and maintenance.

This server is ran by a professional team with combined over 5000 hours in Ark between the admin team.
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